Weekly Reflection from Pastor Kevin 2/7/24

Weekly Reflection from Pastor Kevin 2/7/24

Dear SCC & Friends,

Not to us… ~Psalm 115:1

Reflection #205

                 I have often quoted the opening line from The Purpose Driven Life… “It’s not about you.” A simple statement that captures focus and purpose for our lives. It’s far too easy to lead a “me-centered life” and use our God-given gifts for self-centered reasons. The problem with “self” is that it is an endless abyss that can never be fully satisfied. The more we feed it, the more it wants. Self is the root of the tree, and the branches of all the evils of our fallen state. ~William Law~ Self can be manifested in carnal sins like greed and lust or wear the disguise of religious performance and false humility. The only antidote to the deception of self is God Himself… God cannot give happiness and peace apart from Himself because it is not there. There is no such thing.~C.S. Lewis~


                 When I was in elementary school, I received a letter grade for “reverence in prayer.” It was based on maintaining a ramrod straight posture… how reverently I knelt and genuflected… keeping my unmeshed hands perfectly aligned as they pointed towards heaven… and maintaining the pious look of “Saint Kevin” on my face… I earned an “A” in “reverence in prayer” based on an outward performance masquerading as holiness. Looking back, “reverence in prayer” did two things for me… It upped my grade-point average and put me on a path to act like a Pharisee… They do all their deeds to be noticed by men… ~Matt.23:5-7 Thank God for God who is forever faithful and true. God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him. ~John Piper~ It’s always about Him… always has been… always will be. Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to Your name give glory… ~Ps. 115:1 Keep up the good work!

Glory to God,
