Weekly Reflection from Pastor Kevin 1/17/24

Weekly Reflection from Pastor Kevin 1/17/24

January 17, 2024

Dear SCC & Friends,

The secret of the Lord… ~Psalm 25:14

Reflection #202

                 The year was 1972. We were “blissful” newlyweds living in Virginia. It was a small apartment, and our upstairs neighbor heard us arguing about how to put up the Christmas tree. What he heard I do not know, but he came down to help and brought a few Christmas lights for our use. Mr. Kosine was 95 years old, still driving and crystal clear in his speech and demeanor. His presence not only ended our fight but got me in the Christmas spirit. During the course of our time, we talked about everything from faith to what high school was like in 1895. Finally, I had to ask, “Mr. Kosine, what’s your secret of living such a long life?” He chuckled, “I had a sister who died at 88 who just didn’t take care of herself.” We laughed… as my question implied that he had discovered something hidden from the rest of us… and maybe he had. The fear of the Lord prolongs life…~Prov. 10:27

                 The Hebrew translation of “secret” means intimacy. The secret (intimacy of the Lord) is with those who fear Him. It is not a slavish fear, but a humble recognition and reference to the Lord. The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom, and they that lack this beginning have neither middle nor end. ~John Bunyon~The Lord favors those who fear Him… ~Ps. 147:11 It means we know He sees us at all times, in all places. It means nothing escapes His eye… The fear of God is the greatest antidote to the fear of man. ~Anon.~Nothing is more powerful to overcome temptation than the fear of the Lord. ~John Calvin~ Who is the man who fears the Lord? He will instruct him in the way he should choose. His soul will abide in prosperity, and his descendants will inherit the land. The secret of the Lord is for those who fear Him…~Ps. 25:12-14 …a secret we can all know. Keep up the good work!

Made for these days,
